Monday, September 6, 2010

Ode to Summer

Well, summer is over in about 7 hours.  


...what seemed like endless days of stagnancy and stumbling backwards
heartache and tears that fall like rain
hollow laughs and smiles
determination in its purest form
the experience of a LIFETIME
horrifying situations
a God I will live for
the way I have been changed
heartbreak and dead ends
depression in a family
set backs and fears
knowing how it feels to be alone
and pretending that it's all right
the hardest struggle of standing up again
depending on God like oxygen
doubts and worries
nightly cries and screams in darkness
waking up in the middle of the night thinking until the sun rises
praising my Lord no matter what comes my way
empty pens and an entire notebook of thoughts and prayers of this summer
friends that are truly there, not just for show
music speaking to me like nothing else
discovering a passion
goodbyes and changes
quiet rooms and empty houses
holding on to family
each day being a challenge
knowing that one day I will be all right...

this has been one heck of a summer.



For great is your love, reaching to the heavens; your faithfulness reaches to the skies.
Psalm 57:10