Tuesday, August 24, 2010


After LINK crew today, I happened to hear the marching band around the corner. I ran over to the other side of the school to watch. I saw the drum majors conducting. I saw directors scanning the field. I heard the music. I heard the low winds, the clarinets, the trumpets. I watched their marching technique. I watched the freshmen. I watched their eyes moving. I watched them wrap up their first song. I watched them huddle together before hurrying inside to avoid the rain. Hannah noticed me and waved. I watched them all talk to each other, laugh and lug in their instruments, water bottles, folders. I stood there until everyone went inside.

I feel like I'm on the outside of this bubble. It's a nice, unfazed bubble. I watch everyone else follow their passion unhindered. I guess God is going to lead me down a different road. As a recent devotional said, I'm clinging on to this penny while God is trying to show me all of the gold He has in store. But for the time being, it's frustrating to be on the outside when I feel like I'm going nowhere.