Friday, June 5, 2009


(Just so you all know, I'm on my dad's laptop, our computer is deathly ill, and I might be on this for a while, meaning I might not be updating as much...)

One week down. Only one full week to go. Huzzah. I saw Up with the Wright family. Rather fun. I liked it, and yes, I cried three times. It was kinda sad and I had personal relations with what happened. Good gravy it's a PIXAR movie and I had 'personal connections'. No, I never had a personal connection with a talking dog or an Asian Boy Scout, if that's what you're wondering...

When I got home, it was raining. And my mind is full of QUITE a lot right now (you know, the drama is killing me. It's just EATING at me. And i'm tired of it.)so I changed into sweats and my marching band jacket and ran (yes, i DID run. i'm not supposed to. whatcha going to DO about it?)about 3 miles and IT FELT SO GOOD. Yeah, it hurt, but I'm not sure if I really care or not. I ran into the branches hanging over the sidewalk just to have my face slapped with cold water. It felt so good, it got some stress out (though I'm positive I'll be feeling the pain tonight and tomorrow) and just move some. I should have been studying...but I guess that's what weekends are for.

So....the MRI's came back. Anddddddddd....nothing. It's 'normal.' Sureeee. But what kinda concerns me is that in the MRI, they found something growing on my thyroid (I think it's something in your neck). OH. FANTASTIC. LIKE I NEED A N Y T H I N G ELSE ON MY PLATE. So honestly I'm scared, like if it's bad or anything. My mom said not to worry, but she might just be saying that just so I don't get too frightened (too late). Gah.

And on top of that, I'm positive I failed that math test I spent hours upon end studying for. I love my life.



Rachel said...

Praying for you.

ballwell said...

Hello there. . . Nice blog, please visit me back. . OK!!!
thanx be for. . .

Anonymous said...

Praying for you. and STOP TRYING TO HURT YOUR BACK!!! AHHHHHH!!!!!!