Friday, June 12, 2009

I'm home.

Yes, it's a little early. Why, you ask? I got pulled out of school for a doctor's appointment (3RD. TIME. THIS. WEEK.) so they could check up on my throat. And yep, they're pretty sure it's strep. FAN. TASTIC. I don't WANT to be sick!!! My mom DID say that I will be feeling better by tomorrow (they put me on meds) so that's a good sign.

So you know, when you go to the doctor's for some throat problem, they do a throat culture. Throat cultures do NOT agree with me. The lady ask me to put my head back so she could put that swabby thinger down my throat (isn't THIS lovely?) and when she got close my reactions got the best of me and I pulled back. So then she forced my head against the wall (no Jenny was harmed in the making of this throat culture) so i couldn't move anymore. So she got the back of my throat and was getting...idk whatever the doctor's get...on the stick and my legs just kicked out and one leg hit her...and the other just flipped out. SO. I'm Jenny. I'm a freak. I hate the doctors...anyway I have to get a blood test on Monday (for three things, isn't that spectacular?) because the nurse noticed that my thyroids are bigger than usual. Idk what this means, but my mom said that I might have hypothyroidism, which would explain the pure exhaustion I get a lot of the times. Hmm. Yet ANOTHER thing on my plate. I bet God's up in heaven, screaming "HELLO??! I'M TRYING TO TELL YOU SOMETHING!!!" I just don't know what that is.

Oh. I got my science final back. 78%. OUCH? I studied for that thing for 2 weeks and I can't even get a B?????? On the bright side, I still have 7 extra credit points to put on it from participating in class and that extra test we could do for more extra I could probably get it up to a B. But that took me in for a shock. Whoa.

I still gotta practice SOUSAPHONEEEEEE and PIANOOOOO today. I cant wait....
