Monday, June 22, 2009

Only me...

So today (this morning, actually) I had to get a blood test. I hate them. Sure, I've had more than I could ever count (kudos to my multiple allergies and other sicknesses) but I still get nervous when they stab me. Anyway, they had to take...5 or 6 viles of blood, I lost count. I believe 3 of them were for the allergist, because he realized that there was no way on this earth that he could take my off of Zrytec and have me survive to do an allergy test (you know, the ones with the allergy stuff on the needle and they prick you to see how you react.) So he was going to test my blood on the allergy stuff. Anyway, the 2-3 other viles were for a physical and to see what is up with my thyroid (remember that? I posted about that a loooong time ago...)

ANYWAY. I got this really nice lady (who was rather sarcastic, kinda reminded me of me ;D) who was taking my blood and all. And there's this new thing that takes the blood out with barely any pain, it just takes longer. So ladidadidah, she pricked, she took blood, and then i started feeling ratherrrrr nauseous. She was telling us a story about raw nuts (don't ask) and I just quickly asked if I could go to the bathroom. So she lets me, and I walk to the bathroom as fast as I could (i had no desire to throw up in front of everyone) and then I got rather dizzy (probably from taking 1/3 of my bodily fluids, thanks a lot) and I hit the threshold of the bathroom door. ONLY ME. Anyway I didn't end up getting sick, thank goodness, but I kept getting those funny black dots all around every time I stood up. But I'm pretty sure it's from losing a lot of blood so quickly. ANYWAY I'm fine now. But it was kinda interesting. But I started feeling (once again) rather nauseous when I realized that I was hanging over a PUBLIC. TOILET. So when we got home, I washed my arms all the way up to my elbows in hot water and soap for quite a long time. I hope I don't get AIDS.

So that's my story. Tadaaaa.

TODAY, I'm going with my mom to Outlet Marketplace to find black work pants for Sophie's and then to Genesis, and then ACUPUNCTURE!!! Yippee. But hey, if it helps my back, I'll do it every day.

Oh. INSANEEEEEEEE times with Shorty on Friday night/Saturday. I'll make some highlights, but I don't know how to make the cool bullets...
-walking around the neighborhood listening to In the Heights
-singing for about...2 hours? with every piece of sheet music i owned (and REALIZING AGAIN HOW AMAZING YOUR VOICE IS LITTLE MISSY)
-trying to tell you about 'Have You Checked the Children' without you freaking out and lying about the end so you're all right. :P
-Hoedown Throwdown!!!!
-Determined to stay up past 3...didn't make it past 1.
-Our AMAZING one-handed pancakes (and me failing to crack an egg with one hand)
I'm positive there are more, but I'll stop there.

Amazing insane spectacular times. And we MUST do that more often.

Last night, our cousins/grandparents came over to celebrate Father's Day with us. That is ALWAYS fun. I've forgotten how amazing it is to hang with my favorite cuzzs. :P ESPECIALLY WHEN THEY STALK MY FRIENDS ON AIM. YEAH I'M TALKING TO YOU. :P You guys make me laugh. A lot.

Mmm...I've had really good past few days recently. It's really nice to have.

OH! Flashbacking to yesterday...

-twilight zone music-....

So yesterday I had to walk the neighbor's dog b/c they're in California all week (hey, it's money, I'll take it) so ladidadidah, walking Lexi who is SUCH a cute golden retriever, and then she stopped somewhere. Like DEAD stopped. So I let her do whatever she was doing for a few seconds (which I believe was sniffing furiously at the ground) and I went to pull her to come and OF COURSE her leash hook snaps off and there's a shower of dog tags. Lexi gets all excited and jumps around (I guess because she realized that she's free? idk) so i dive for her collar and bring her with me as I search the street and grass for the multiple dog tags. Only me. This would ONLY happen to me. Oh bother.

But I found them, and thanks to my Dad and his pliers, everything's good w/ her collar. Hallelujah.

That's enough for one day.
