Friday, January 15, 2010

TGIF. Really. Thank goodness.

Oh wow, this week was long.

Hmm, Great Gatsby homework/Langston Hughes homework...vs. writing another post before tonight's party...I think this wins. Once again. Oh procrastination. :D

Before I start, this is to absolutely no one in particular. It's been on my mind for a few weeks and I finally have time now to write it.

These are just some more Jennythoughts, once again. I know a lot of fantastic people, really. I love them all. But I noticed in a lot of them, there isn't any forgiveness. And many of them actually say 'Yes, I forgive you' but then they bring it up later to provoke guilt or anger. That's not forgiveness. A lot of humans have difficulty actually FORGIVING someone. I can admit, it can be hard. You have to acknowledge what they did is wrong and accept that they made a mistake and forget about it. Basically, you can forget that it even happened because, if you actually did forgive, it won't make a difference at all in your relationship with that person. But when people hold makes me so sad. So very sad. Thankfully, God gave me the abiltity to forgive, so when people hold grudges, it's beyond me. How can you hold that much anger towards one person? How can you expect THEM to be perfect when you are the polar opposite of it yourself? Why bother bottling it up inside? Forgiving is just so much easier, really. I think if everyone did just forgive like we are called to do, there would be so much less drama. Heck, there would be less violence in the world. That small step can make such a difference.

I'm not sure about yourself, but I have such a problem with forgiving myself. There are many things I've done which I fully regret. And I can honestly say I have never forgiven myself. But it's equally as important. To let go all of that CRAP and just say to God "Look, I screwed up, but I know you love me. Please forgive me." It sounds like nothing else. And for our amazing God to just take those crappy sins and hurl them as far as the east is from the west (I'll say that's quite a distance) cool is that? One PERFECT God that forgives us, people that are equivalent as dirt. Just pretty awesome if you ask me.



The mind of sinful man is death, but the mind controlled by the Spirit is life and peace

Romans 8:6