Thursday, January 21, 2010

I must be crazy...

My word I SHOULD be studying but I really wanted to put this down sometime tonight.

I had a piano lesson tonight, as I have every Thursday night for what feels like my entire existence (this is a good thing, mind you). So I walked into Mr. Blickenstaff's piano room and happened to look around a bit more while he had another student. He got a new clock. It surprised me. His last one had a crinkled old tea-bag paper look, with great black minute and hour hands. To me, it was always just as old as his 1790's house. The new clock still has the roman numeral look but is pure white and smaller. More modern. Change. It took me by surprise. You readers out there might think that I have lost my mind or something, but it was something I noticed. That's change #1.

After the other student is done her lesson, I go over to the piano bench and get my music out. Mr. B comes over the piano and begins to talk about a conversation he had with a woman yesterday when teaching at Princeton. When facing my mother, I noticed a small, clear tube in his ear. A hearing aid. And you know what, at that sight I had to fight back tears. Mr. Blickenstaff, my incredible life-changing piano teacher is growing older. Really really quickly. He's already in his 70's. It scares me. I don't want him to go. He's my solid, never-changing piano teacher that I love to death. Change #2.

Now if you know anything about Mr. Blickenstaff, he gets up in your face. Haha, I remember my first lessons with him. I was first intimidated that he was in a suit in August and I was in an old soccer t-shirt and shorts with chucks. I was always so started when he would get inches from my face when I asked a question. It's his nature that I learned to love. But I asked a question today, and he got very up in my face. I happened to notice all of the wrinkles in his face that I never noticed before. See change #2 for reasons why this made me sad.

This really woke me up. I sometimes forget that change happens all the time. I feel like day after day, not much changes. I change of course, but the world stays the same. Some change I can't grasp quickly enough. But tonight just reminded me on how quickly my life is going. And then of course that reminds me of how life is equivalent to half a wink when compared to heaven.

I don't know. Just some more Jennythoughts. I'd right so much more but unfortunately I have finals to study for and a national anthem to sing. :]


Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.

Colossians 4:6