Wednesday, October 28, 2009


i HATE being sick. This is very very sick I'm talking about. I got the sore throat, the headache (more like a migraine...), the achiness, the hacking cough of an 80 year old smoker, the fever...gross. I hate being sick. And I hate thinking about all of the work I'm gonna have to make up. Boooo block scheduling.

Yesterday, after school I went to Liz's house with Erin/Hannah in order to work on this Global project we had to do. It's a filming one. Fun. I'm the news anchor/crazy doctor. Hannah L. used about 2 gallons of hairspray to make my hair crazy. It took forever to get it all out. :P I feel awful that I went to Liz's house, and then later find out I had a high fever and all. Sorry Liz. :[

I also had my district choir audition yesterday. I probably didn't do that well considering my circumstances. I wonder if she'll let me re-audition. Whatever...I may not have made it. Oh well.

I've been thinking a lot of about stuff. Shocking, right? :P And with all of this time I have to do it now. I read, I watch Say Yes to the Dress, I think, I sleep. Anyway...God. I love Him. But I was thinking...I'm not really LIVING my life for Him. After reading Susie some, it just amazed me how much I want to do a mission trip. I want to do it more than music. I miss Toronto, where I made such good bonds with these people I barely knew, how we would act and sing on the streets and let people either flip us off or applaud us for our boldness, how I learned that street people (aka homeless people) have hearts and a favorite color and family members. You don't think of them as anything except the people who sit on sidewalks unable to get a shower. I love them. They've made room in my heart this past summer. I WANT to do something about it. When Austen came over (and we ended up talking for an hour haha), we talked about this kind of thing. I think THAT'S what I want to do with my life. I want to serve God. I WANT to make a difference in someone else's life. So...yeah. Just something I was thinking about. :]

I'm probably going to sleep now. Or read. Or something. I hate being sick.



And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.

Romans 12:2