Monday, July 20, 2009

Update on my life :]

OKAY so I'll just go over the past few days.

So YESTERDAY I went to see Harry Potter (again) with Casey Cold and Ally and that was fun and alll. I made a shirt for Ally but I didn't know that Casey was coming so I felt bad. :[ I would have made her a shirt in ALL OF MY FREE TIME. Ugh. ANYWHOO we saw it and I freaked out like 10 minutes prior to the part when Harry is getting water and those monster Inferi jump out at him and poor Ally nearly had a heart attack from my gasping and scared faces. haha but it was even better the second time. OH and we drew lightning bolt scars on our forehead with eyeliner. :D It was great. After that WE WENT TO ALLY'S FOR TACOSSSSSSSSSSSSS I FINALLY EXPERIENCED THE HEMPELMANN SUNDAY TACO NIGHT (lucky ducks, they have tacos every sunday) SO THAT WAS FANTASTICAL. Then after that we went and played Mario Kart downstairs and i lost epically BUT STILL BEAT CASEY HAAA. :P Loser Ally won. Every time. She beat me by 30 something points.

Aaaand last night i didn't sleep very well. Past 12, I know. Woke up at 5:30 and couldn't fall back asleep for a while. Ugh. I had my coffee this morning. anywhoo i had to wake up at 7 this morning BECAUSE I have vacation bible camp (aka Amazon Camp :]). I'm kitchen staff (prefer to be called head culinary chef of culture class) and I lead worship at the end of the day. Today was Jungle Shakes. I have it memorized if anyone wants the recipe. :D

Jungle Shakes
2 scoops ice cream
1/2 banana
2 T milk (add to however thin you want the shake to be)
1 T chocolate syrup
2 T coconut (optional)

Blend ice cream, banana and milk until smooth. Add chocolate and coconut, mix. Enjoy!

Fun. 1st graders with blenders aren't the best combination out there. They kept persisting "CAN I PRESS THE BUTTON NOWWWWWWWWUH?" and I would patiently say "No, not yet. Just wait." Every time. Rargh. So they were mostly a success but some kids didn't like bananas. Wonder how tomorrow's recipe is going to go. Mangoes and sticky rice? Psh I doubt it will be eating. OH WELLLLLL more for me. :]

Toronto. 4. days. Beyond excited.

I miss my friends. :[ No one is around these days. Whether it's Maryland or Mexico or Variety Camp or just plain busy I'M NOT. Man I need a job. Really badly.
