Thursday, July 16, 2009

A poem...

Just making this up now.

I love music.
What can I say?
I can feel it.
And unfortunately, so does my back.
It twists and burns
Like the butt of a knife
Stabbed into my spine
And instead of ceasing
It grows uncontrollably.
But with some help from my friends
I try
I really do
To push through
And you know what?
I no longer want to state my dreams
And have to say "If my back lets me"
At the end of each sentence.
I want to be able to run as MANY miles as I want
And not have to run home and ice it
And down a few Advils
And lie down
Unable to move
For a few hours.
I want to be able to do any school sport I want to
I want to play any instrument that I want to play
Instead of having to play the ones that my back lets me play.
Lord, did I do something to deserve this?
Because it's just eating my life
and my dreams
until there is nothing left.
All I can do now is pray.
And watch the scenery change.
Because this isn't in my control
But it's in His.
