Sunday, July 11, 2010

I hate not knowing. I hate being helpless, not knowing what this muggy future holds.

I'm scared. I know that I failed. I did not reach the goal that I have been working my tail off for. It kills me.

And to not know what is next...

I know that God's plan will work out, but when will I be able to see it?



Lydia G. said...

Oh, Jenny...I hate to hear that you're struggling :( I know it looks bleak now, but God knows exactly what He has planned for your life and they will be better than any plans that you have for yourself. I'm praying for you and love you so much!

"For I know the plans I have fore you," declares the Lord. "Plans to prosper you and not to harm you. Plans to give you a hope and a future." ~Jer. 29:11

"In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." ~John 16:33