Monday, November 16, 2009


This is upsetting. All of this crap. All the stress. Yes, Jenny, welcome to honors classes in high school. They are no longer walks in the parks. I hate drama. I hate girls that like boys. More like obsess. And don't share them as friends. I mean really. I don't think I have a bigger pet peeve. It drives me so crazy. oh my word. I hate when people don't forgive each other. I hate when people hold grudges against each other. I hate when other peoples' drama suddenly becomes YOUR drama because you throw yourself in the middle of the chaos. I hate unhappy families. I hate feeling like you have no where to turn. I hate that I can't see God. I hate how I can't just call Him up on the phone and just ask what he has in store to explain these messes. I hate people that just put themselves down just so they can get compliments from others. Lamesauce.

I really really hate missing you so much.

I hate being so away from you.

I hate that I can't talk to you 24 hours a day. And I swear I would make you cookies every hour.
