Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Am I chopped liver or something? I just feel like my friends are suddenly rather...occupied in the opposite gender. Whether it's My Twin or Broda...they seem kinda taken away. And I kinda miss THEM. Like Broda for instance. Always with his girlfriend, and I just miss my best friend. I'm sick of their lovey-doveyness, all right!? SICK OF IT. And honestly, I'm jealous because they have something that I don't have. And it looks like I'll never have. You know, this week kinda just sucks in general. Can't wait until it's over. Then the concerts are over. I might need to go skiing with a friend this weekend...anyone who cares to listen...

~A very tired Jenny


Anonymous said...

amen about broda! i was giving him one heck of a time about it tonight, but he DOESN'T CARE. gah! poor jenny, i feel your pain, as you know. Can't we just skip this week, it sucks already and it's only TUESDAY!