These are in no order whatsoever. They can be life changing or little things that make me smile. All the while, they are from God. So thanks. :]
1. Him saving my life.
2. His grace that I see every moment of my life.
3. My oh so special family.
4. My incredible sisters in Christ that are there for me always.
5. The people in my life that mean the world.
6. Music. Enough said. :]
7. The ability to laugh.
8. His forgiveness.
9. Rain. While it's cold and raw right now, it's replenishes the earth and makes things green again. :D
10. Shelter. Something we take for granted EVERY DAY.
11. Food. See above side note.
12. Clothing. Once again, see number 10 side note.
13. Fires that heat up our home.
14. Sunsets and sunrises that He paints in the sky every day.
15. Flip flops.
16. The sun (when it decides to come out :P)
17. Seeing the robins flutter around when I'm walking to school.
18. The ability to sing.
19. The ability to dance.
20. The people that help you when in a time of need.
21. Hoodies and sweats that just come out of the dryer.
22. The ability to walk. You realize that you take it for granted when you see your best friend on crutches...
23. While on the subject, the ability to heal. Physically and emotionally.
24. Piano sonatas. :]
25. Jazz.
26. The fine detail in flowers.
27. Sand in between your toes in the summer.
28. Loving people.
29. People that forgive one another.
30. Being able to live in such a safe country.
31. All the different languages in the world. As difficult as they are, they are all incredibly beautiful in their own way.
32. Blue skies on a spring day.
33. People that encourage my spiritual life.
34. Show choir. Enjoying it while it's here. :]
35. The way God blessed us with the intelligence for our technology.
36. Dinners with the family around the table.
37. His ENDLESS love.
38. Swing sets.
39. Those huge trees you see in forests, and you imagine just how many hundreds of years they have been standing there.
40. The beauty of animals, whether microscopic or breaking Guinness World Records for the largest.
41. Having a new day to start over every twenty four hours.
42. Bible study. Whether Dave's or The Movement.
43. Fuzzy socks to keep my feet warm.
44. Making new friends.
45. Being blessed to have a piano.
46. Smiles.
47. Running.
48. Wisdom.
49. Having all five senses.
50. The Bible, an entire love story by God.
Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.
In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.
Be not wise in your own eyes; fear the LORD, and turn away from evil.
It will be healing to your flesh and refreshment to your bones.
Proverbs 3:5-8